Today I plan to actually start MAKING something. Ive been doing a lot of reading and scribbling in my sketch book, but today Im pulling out the sewing machine to see if it actually works. I cant see why it wouldnt, other than maybe it might need a bit of oil or something...
But before I do that, I will tell you all about my visit to Thea and Sami on Saturday. Thea makes and designs gorgeous fabrics using organic fabrics and eco conscious inks. She was holding an open day on Saturday so I dragged poor Helen out to Capalaba to see. I am particularly fascinated by fabric design and print at the moment so when I saw her blog saying she was having an open day...well I couldnt resist.
And Im so glad that I went! She has a smallish factory space that was perfectly set up to do her screen printing. I didnt take the camera damn it so Im going to steal some photos from a professional photographer who was coming along to see as well -
Catherine Lowe (thats her photo with her beautiful little baby). If youre looking for a photographer, seriously, check this lady out. She is extremely talented. Ive already passed her name on to a friend who is getting married next year. You can see all the photos that she took from Thea's
When we were there Thea and Voyt did a demonstration of how they actually print the designs onto the fabric (the photo up the top). They made it look so very easy, but Im guessing it takes a bit of practice. Thea was also selling a certain amount of her fabrics and of course I just HAD to have some.
OK so this is a piece of
organic linen with one of Thea's prints in a beautiful rich red. Im planning to make cushions for the couch - thats why Ive photographed it on the couch. Sorry its a crap photo but you get the idea.
This the fabric in more detail. Isnt it just beautiful. You want some?
Check out her online Store. I didnt think about it in detail when I bought the fabric, but I think Im going to have to go back to her to get some of the fabric in its unprinted state so that I can complete the cushions. Its such beautiful fabric! I just have to ask her which fabric it is - I think its the
mocha organic cotton. No, actually I think its
unbleached Linen.
I also bought a sample pack of her
Fretwork pattern. The pack came with the gorgeous red again and the same pattern in a very vibrant purple - the photo looks more blue but trust me this is a rich vivid purple. The red is destined to be a wallet/purse for me, but the purple...I have no idea. So in my tiny stash it goes.
Helen and I spent probably about a half hour talking to Thea, shes a fascinating person. And so very passionate about not only her design and printing work, but also about the sustainability and organics of the industry. Shes very against chemicals - the inks she uses are water based and non toxic. She uses practically no water in her processes and her wastage of the ink itself is also minimal.
Helen doesnt do any of the actual crafting things with me - she CAN, shes actually a really talented seamstress, but it doesnt interest her at the moment so she doesnt. Shes the true artist though, so she is more into the design process. (not like me, I cant actually draw. I need a PC to be able to create anything) And speaking with Thea and going through the screenprinting process - thats more where she is at! Shes been gathering all this information about screen printing and hand printing - shes leaning more to the t-shirt design I think, but the fabric is still interesting to her. And discussing with Thea about the eco side of the process was really good because Helen is very eco conscious.
All in all, it was a really nice way to spend an hour or so. I believe Thea will be doing it again in January or February so follow
her blog and she will let you know. She is also going to be doing screenprinting lessons sometime around then too - Im really excited about that one. Check her website for details and Im sure she will post it on her blog too.
Well Im off to do some sewing. Funny, I think my glass studio is getting offended. I havent set foot in there for weeks - Im off on this whole design/fabric/sewing thing instead. My poor little lampworked beads....
Oh, and did you notice the change in the blog design? Not my own I have to say, I havent had time, but I really like this one. Especially since I think the name of our business and blog will be something different so this blog will stop at that point...maybe....