Im in love again

OMG have spent WAY too much time reading blogs today.  Ive gotten caught in the vortex of so many fantastic blogs about fabric, and craft and drawing and softies and and and.... good thing Im having a quiet day I guess.

I have fallen in love again though. First it was Amy Butler (and of course, still is), but now Ive found Lila Tueller - and in specific her new range coming out in January - Eden (see photo left above). I think its the colours as much as the swirls and the birds.  I cant wait to get my hands on some and make...Oooh, handbags, and a top and just some of it framed for the wall.....she has some pretty patterns too which I may avail myself of too once I work out if they make them big enough for me...she lists them down the side of her blog towards the bottom and you can buy them HERE (Im sure they are stocked somewhere here in Australia too). I want the funky peasant top especially (photo right) and the calista skirt.

Do Australians make these sorts of fabrics? Or are we totally caught up in the screen printing on natural fabric type styles. Which I also love of course.  But does anyone do gorgeous layered colours like this?


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