Oh What A Night

I have been spending a few days down on the Gold Coast with my family and the photo above is the view I have every morning. No noise other than cicadas, birds, the occasional boat meandering past and yes, even the occasional fish jumping (I kid you not).  Gorgeous.  The photo is taken off the balcony of the bedroom Im in, and is literally just a shot from my phone, so imagine how much better it looks in real life!

Last night my cousin and I hooked up the Wii and had a ball.  We played until around 1.30am and laughed so much we were literally crying half the time. Im hoarse from shouting and laughing. And before you wonder, no we arent children. Shes 27 and Im 37! We were playing tennis, boxing (ouch, feeling that one) and Mini-golf which was an absolute scream.

This morning we are continuing the stupidity by having conversations from downstairs to upstairs via sms.  Why? Cause its just so stupid.  Sometimes, any little thing will just make you laugh and quite frankly, I like to roll around and enjoy those times as much as possible. So sue me. (heh).

Im off now to have a shower cause we are going out for breakfast and a movie. Something chick flicky like Valentines day or something.  And then probably back for an afternoon snooze. Im sure 4 hours sleep is going to catch up at some point.


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