Im Inspired

I recently started to teach myself to knit and crochet. Cant say Im doing overly well at it but thats probably because the only time I try to do it is in bed when Im watching a movie or have a headache and cant read. My concentration is not the best. 

But looking at the lovely blanket in the following blog post from Attic24 has me inspired. I want a lovely 'old fashioned' blanket like that to snuggle under when Im on the couch reading and snoozing. I love it. I dont remember my grandmother ever doing anything like that but it reminds me of her so maybe its something that is buried deep in my subconscious memories of her. I do remember her rag rugs. Am thinking of making some of them too since I have found they arent that hard to make. I will see.  I do have a little time on my hands at the moment of course...heh heh.

Photo with thanks from Attic24. Go read her blog, its gorgeous.


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