Oh and clothes - but they will have to wait till I get patterns and fabric. Im looking like I will probably be back at work in Feb so was thinking I might 'reinvent' myself in the mean time. Sounds fabulous. Dont have the money to do too much though, but I thought maybe some new, sewn by me, flattering clothes might help with the back to work nerves (which are considerable I can assure you). How does one work out what suits you and then what to make? I wonder if there is a website or online course or something for this? I cant be the only person who has ever wanted to do this. Surely not everyone is born stylish and funky - I dont think I was but I desperately want to be. Being overweight doesnt help I guess. But surely us bigger girls can look good too? Any pointers for me?
I think I will leave that research for another day though, else I will end up in front of the PC instead of sewing. And today I want to make something!
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